Use a digital HR compliance checklist today to ensure all proper procedures, policies, practices, and regulations are enforced and followed.
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This HR compliance checklist by Showcase Cinema can to help you conduct a general audit on your company or specific teams to ensure that all necessary policies, laws, and regulations are being complied with and properly enforced. You can use this checklist to:
An HR compliance checklist is a document that aims to help Human Resources (HR) professionals to stay on top of their duties and responsibilities. This checklist can also be used to ensure a business is compliant with different labor laws.
HR professionals and personnel are tasked by a business to ensure compliance with company policies, as well as their country and city’s labor laws, safety standards, and more. They are involved in all things human resources as well as employee experience, engagement, and satisfaction, such as creating policies, documenting them, enforcing them, and managing training sessions to ensure employee growth.
Specifically, HR works to ensure compliance with the following:
To create your HR compliance checklist, it is important first to be aware of the necessary policies, laws, and standards you must comply with. These will be the basis for knowing what needs to be complied with.
After, identify the gaps that need to be addressed by these and how they can be enforced or better done so. You can then create new policies or enforce methods based on this, which you must communicate and cascade down to employees and properly train them.
Depending on the business type and industry, each HR team will have different needs to consider. Typically, an HR compliance audit checklist includes sections for the following business and HR needs:
Here is a sample HR compliance audit checklist in use for reference: