
Taxes in Conroe, TX

Most areas in the City of Conroe have a total of five taxing entities.

Taxing Entity City of Conroe Conroe ISD Montgomery County Lone Star College System Montgomery County Hospital District Total Effective Property Tax Rate
2021 tax rates per $100 of assessed value: 0.4375 1.1760 0.4083 0.1078 0.0567 2.1863

Tax Rates

Franchise Tax

The Texas “Margins Tax” or Franchise Tax applies to Corporations, LLCs and business trusts, and professional associations doing business in Texas. The tax is based on gross marginal income. The first $1 million of gross income is exempt. A tax rate of .475% (wholesalers and retailers) or .95% for all others is applied. As with any state or federal tax, there are a number of exemptions that can be applied against the Margins Tax. Information can be obtained through the Office of the State Comptroller at

Sales and Use Tax

There are two sales and use tax rates;

City of Conroe = 2.00%
State of Texas = 6.25%
Total Sales Tax Rate = 8.25%